Products from

Earl Le Village

Vegetable grower, Martot
Guillaume Labiffe
Interested by Hampers and baskets, soups and preserves & vegetables in Haute-Normandie? Theses products are sold by Earl Le Village in Assemblies.

Hampers and Baskets

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Panier de légumes
Panier de légumes "de rattrapage"

Soups and Preserves

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Soupe de tomates
Champignon brun de Paris
Patate douce
Ail violet
Pomme Cox orange
Pomme Boskoop
Poire Conférence
Oeufs plein air
Sirop de fraise

Jams, honey, stewed fruits

Find points of sale
Confiture tomates vertes
Confiture rhubarbe
Confiture potimarron
Confiture fraise