Products from

L'atelier Vagabond

Confectioner, Pastry chef, Bordeaux
Eléonore Christien
Interested by Yogurts & soft white cheese, pancakes and crepes & pastry in Aquitaine? Theses products are sold by L'atelier Vagabond in Assemblies.

Yogurts & Soft white cheese

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Panna cotta à la vanille sauvage

Pancakes and crepes

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Pancakes natures x4
Tarte au citron meringuée
Torta tenerina chocolat
Brownie aux noisettes
Flan pâtissier entier
Sablés au thym et parmesan
Curry de légumes avec riz
Pesto de courgette
Houmous frais betterave pois chiches
Quiche aux lardons et champignons