Products from

Gemüsehof Flachenecker

Preserves maker, Horticulturist-herbalist, Vegetable grower, Nürnberg
Mathias Und Billy Flachenecker
Interested by Soups and preserves, herbs and plants & vegetables in Bayern? Theses products are sold by Gemüsehof Flachenecker in Assemblies.

Soups and Preserves

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Cowboy Candy
Sellerie im Glas
Gurkenschnitz Süß Sauer

Herbs and Plants

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knoblauchsländer Petersilie glatt
Kräutermischung für " Grüne Soße "
bunter Mangold
Kartoffeln vorwiegend festkochend, Sorte "Marabelle"
festkochende Speisekartoffeln Sorte "Goldmarie" (Salatkartoffel)
vorwiegend festkochende Speisekartoffeln "Nemo"
Sweet Chili Soße

Condiments & preserves

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Schmaggo Fix Würzpaste

Jams, honey, stewed fruits

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Apfel mus(s) sein