Products from

Earl Grocq Gabarrus

Vegetable grower, Magescq
Jean-marc Grocq
Interested by Hampers and baskets, herbs and plants & pulses in Aquitaine? Theses products are sold by Earl Grocq Gabarrus in Assemblies.

Hampers and Baskets

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Panier de légumes bio

Herbs and Plants

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Persil bio
Haricot type coco
Haricot blanc type tarbais
Haricots grains noir
Haricot chili rouge
Pomme de terre BIO type grenaille
Patate douce
Oignon jaune bio
Pomme de terre bio à peau rose
Pomme FUJI
Kiwi jaune
Huile de colza
Huile de tournesol
Huile de tournesol
Huile de colza