Products from

Le Chant des Coquelicots

Fruit farmer, Vegetable grower, Saint-Romain-en-Jarez
Adrien Retout
Interested by Hampers and baskets, herbs and plants & vegetables in Rhône-Alpes? Theses products are sold by Le Chant des Coquelicots in Assemblies.

Hampers and Baskets

Find points of sale
Panier de fruits et légumes Saison

Herbs and Plants

Find points of sale
Pomme de terre
Salade Claytone de Cuba
Salade Laitue Batavia grenobloise
Salade Batavia Blonde
Pomme Gala

Alcoholic beverages

Find points of sale
Liqueur de plantes "La Serpe D'or"
Vin de noix