Products from

chris and co

Baker, Antibes
Christelle Valat
Interested by Viennoiserie, breads & pastry in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur? Theses products are sold by chris and co in Assemblies.
Brioche Nanterre Bio 250 gr
Croissant Bio 60 grs
Brioche bio individuelle 70 gr
Pain au chocolat Bio 65 grs
Pain au Maïs
Michette aux tomates séchées Bio 200 gr
Baguette tradition bio 250 gr
Le Pain aux graines bio 350 grs
Tarte aux pommes individuelle
Brownie Bio 90 grs
Tarte aux myrtilles bio 90 grs
Quiche Lorraine Bio 12 cm de diamètre
Pizza bio 150 gr
Pissaladière bio 150 gr