Products from

SCEA des Corbels

Vegetable grower, Servigny-lès-Sainte-Barbe
Guillaume Watier
Interested by Hampers and baskets, soups and preserves & herbs and plants in Lorraine? Theses products are sold by SCEA des Corbels in Assemblies.

Hampers and Baskets

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panier de légumes

Soups and Preserves

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Soupe de legumes
Soupe butternut patate douce
sauce tomate

Herbs and Plants

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Aromates Ail des ours
persil frisé
Navet jaune
concombre long
salade feuille de chene verte

Garden & Yard

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Plant de tomate cornabel
Plant tomate cerise black cherry
Plant de tomate type roma allongée
Plant tomate cerise jaune
tartinade courgette tournesol basilic
tartinade thai
tartinade de poivron tomate
Caviar d aubergine

Coffee, tea and infusions

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Aromates Stévia
Tisane Bonjour
Tisane/aromate-agastache anisée
Tisane de fleurs de souci

Condiments & preserves

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Aromates sel à l'ail des ours
Aromates Bouquet garni

Jams, honey, stewed fruits

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Gelée de romarin