Products from

Aux Herbes Nomades

Horticulturist-herbalist, Belpech
Judith Wolfers
Interested by Coffee, tea and infusions, condiments & preserves & jams, honey, stewed fruits in Languedoc-Roussillon? Theses products are sold by Aux Herbes Nomades in Assemblies.

Coffee, tea and infusions

Find points of sale
Tisane Maternelle - 30g
Tisane de Noël
Tisane de Noël
Tisane Printanière

Condiments & preserves

Find points of sale
Sel Provençal - 15g
Sel Marin - 50g
Sel Marin - 15g
Sel Provençal - 50g

Jams, honey, stewed fruits

Find points of sale
Confit/Gelée de Thym - 25g
Confit/Gelée de Romarin - 25g
Confit/Gelée de Verveine - 25g
Confit/Gelée de Lavande - 25g