Products from


Goat farmer, Dairy farmer, Saint-Vérand
Gaec Ferme Triomphe
Interested by Butter & cream, cheese & yogurts & soft white cheese in Rhône-Alpes? Theses products are sold by GAEC Ferme TRIOMPHE in Assemblies.

Butter & Cream

Find points of sale
Vache Crème fraiche épaisse
Crème fraîche épaisse
Chèvre Bouchons Apéros
Chèvre fromage sec
Chèvre tomme JEUNE
Plateau de Fromage pour 5/6 personnes

Yogurts & Soft white cheese

Find points of sale
18 YaourtS VACHE abricot, framboise , fraise
18 Crèmes dessert VACHE Chocolat/ vanille /caramel
18 Yaourts Nature VACHE BIO
Vache Yaourt nature
VACHE Lait pasteurisé