Products from

GAEC de la chataigneraie

Fruit farmer, Saint-Barthélemy-Grozon
Christophe Hemar
Interested by Fruits, pastry & alcoholic beverages in Rhône-Alpes? Theses products are sold by GAEC de la chataigneraie in Assemblies.
*Châtaignes entières Bio 200g
*Croquants Farine châtaigne-oranges confites bio
*Croquants Farine châtaigne-pépites chocolat bio
*Croquants farine châtaigne-amandes bio
Ardéchois BIO

Alcoholic beverages

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Apéritif Fleur de Sureau bio

Jams, honey, stewed fruits

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Confiture coing bio
Confiture framboise bio
Confiture framboise groseille bio
Confiture groseille bio

Cereals / Flour / Seeds

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*Farine de Châtaigne BIO