Products from

La Ferme des Jésuites

Vegetable grower, Mardyck
Nathalie Picotin
Interested by Hampers and baskets, soups and preserves & herbs and plants in Nord-Pas-de-Calais? Theses products are sold by La Ferme des Jésuites in Assemblies.

Hampers and Baskets

Find points of sale
Paniers de légumes (1-2 personnes) Bio
Paniers de légumes (3-4 personnes) Bio

Soups and Preserves

Find points of sale
Soupe à l'oignon Bio
Soupe de Poireaux Bio
Soupe Douceur d'hiver Bio
Soupe potimarron châtaigne Bio

Herbs and Plants

Find points of sale
Mélisse Bio
Ciboulette (bouquet) bio
Persil Plat Bio (bouquet)
Sauge Bio (bouquet)
Betterave Crue Bio
Cardon BIO
Chou kale rouge Bio
Choux frisé Bio
Rhubarbe BIO
Pomme Idared BIO
Jus de Pomme Bio
Jus de Pomme Carotte BIO
Jus de Pomme Poire Bio
Jus de Pomme Betterave Bio
Kit Velouté de Céleri rave au lait coco Bio