Products from

Ferme Simonnet

Cereal farmer, Vegetable grower, Saint-Lupien
Vincent Simonnet
Vincent Simonnet started Ferme Simonnet in 2010. Their farm is located in Saint-Lupien, Champagne-Ardenne.

Their farm

L'histoire commence le 15 Aout 2010 dans une petite ferme de Saint Lupien, petit village proche de Marigny-le-châtel, dans l'Aube.

Ma ferme renferme bien des surprises.
Elle est en pleine expansion : maraichage, farine. Le tout en agriculture biologique. Hors Endive.
La finalité de notre entreprise est de vendre en circuit court et en agriculture biologique.

12 bis rue de la Mairie
10350 Saint-Lupien
Established in
full-time employees

Ferme Simonnet's professions and practices


4 species grown each year

Outdoor cultivation

Crop maintenance

Use of organic fertilisers (manure)

Plants and seeds

My ingredients come from a local farmer

Organic seeds, non-treated seeds


I use honey in my other products

Other ingredients : not specified

Origin of other ingredients : not specified

Organic ingredients

This information has been declared by the Producer.