Products from

Cöllner Likör Manufaktur

Distiller, Köln
Martin Stahl
Martin Stahl started Cöllner Likör Manufaktur in 2019. Their farm is located in Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen.

Their farm

Ich produziere in Köln Liköre auf traditionelle handwerkliche Art. Fruchte, Honig und Zucker kommen aus der Region, Südfrüchte und Exoten von befreundeten Erzeugern aus aller Welt. Gute Spirituosen und Trinkaklohole bilden die Basis des Ansatzes. Dann werden alle Zutaten sorgfältig und mit viel Liebe zum Genuss verarbeitet.
Das Produktionsmotto:
Likör ist ein Genuss der Zeit und Ruhe zur Vollendung verdient hat.

Murgweg 23
50968 Köln
Established in
full-time employee

Cöllner Likör Manufaktur's professions and practices


I use my own premise

Base ingredient

Früchte, Alkohol, Wasser, Zucker, Honig

My ingredients come from an EU supplier, My ingredients come from a non-EU supplier, My ingredients come from a national supplier, My ingredients come from a local farmer

I use local products (-150 km), My ingredients come from conventional sources, I use organic ingredients, I use handmade ingredients, I use fair-trade ingredients

Secondary ingredients


My ingredients come from a non-EU supplier, My ingredients come from an EU supplier, My ingredients come from a national supplier, My ingredients come from a local farmer

I use organic ingredients, I use local products (-150 km), I use fair-trade ingredients, I use products from a certified source, I use handmade ingredients, My ingredients come from conventional sources

Other ingredients

Other ingredients : not specified

My ingredients come from a non-EU supplier, My ingredients come from an EU supplier, My ingredients come from a national supplier, My other ingredients come from a local farmer

I use organic ingredients, I use local products (-150 km), I use products from a certified source, I use fair-trade ingredients, I use handmade ingredients, My ingredients come from conventional sources


Ich achte bei der Rohstoffauswahl besonders auf Produktionsart, Verpachtung und Transportwege.

This information has been declared by the Producer.