Products from

Hola! Café

Biscuit/Cookie maker, Jam maker, Pastry chef, Pinto
Nerea Sanchez
Nerea Sanchez started Hola! Café in 2014. Their farm is located in Pinto, Comunidad de Madrid.

Their farm

En Hola! Café elaboramos productos artesanos para que tus desayunos y meriendas sean perfectos.
Bizcochos y pasteles caseros hechos a mano con ingredientes naturales y mermeladas elaboradas con frutas de temporada.

C/ Aragón 27
28320 Pinto
Established in
full-time employees

Hola! Café's professions and practices


My ingredients come from a national supplier

I use conventional flour

Other ingredients

Other ingredients : not specified

My ingredients come from a national supplier

Products coming from conventional sources


I use natural yeast


Electric oven

This information has been declared by the Producer.