Products from

A-grow Bio

Horticulturist, Saint-Christaud
Elie Raczymow
Elie Raczymow started A-grow Bio in 2008. Their farm is located in Saint-Christaud, Midi-Pyrénées.

Their farm

Producteurs de plants en agriculture biologique dans le Volvestre.

Nous cultivons des plants de tomates et de légumes issus de variétés anciennes et reproductibles, des aromatiques, des petits fruits, des fleurs et arbustes vivaces.

Chaque jour nous travaillons à une production éthique et de qualité (serres non chauffées, désherbage manuel, zéro pesticides, zéro engrais chimiques)

31310 Saint-Christaud
Established in
full-time employees

A-grow Bio's professions and practices


100 species grown each year

Grown in a cold greenhouse

Crop maintenance

Use of fertilisers and organic plant protection materials

Plants and seeds

My ingredients come from a national supplier, The seeds I used are produce in my own farm

Organic seeds


I don't process my products

Other ingredients : not specified

Origin of other ingredients : not specified

Features of the other ingredients : not specified

This information has been declared by the Producer.