Products from

L'Amour du Pain 0603412439

Baker, Le Cannet
France Quentin
France Quentin started L'Amour du Pain 0603412439 in 2017. Their farm is located in Le Cannet, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.

Their farm

Nous produisons des produits BIO ou pas.
Nous pétrissons, façonnons et cuissons notre pain dans notre fournil.
Nos farines sont sans OGM et nous favorisons les farines locales.
Tous nos pains sont réalisés sans conservateur ni additif !

38 bd jean moulin
06110 Le Cannet
Established in
full-time employees

L'Amour du Pain 0603412439's professions and practices


My ingredients come from a national supplier, It comes from a local farmer

I use organic flours, I use conventional flour

Other ingredients

Other ingredients : not specified

My ingredients come from a national supplier, My ingredients come from a local farmer

Organic ingredients, local ingredients (less than 150 miles), products from a certified production source, handmade ingredients


I use natural yeast


Electric oven

This information has been declared by the Producer.